A life without love 💔
Todays quote of the day talks about a lack of love in the same sentence as the lack of sun during the summer. a life without love is like a life without summer. Hmm probably someth
Remember the lesson 👍🏽
All to often people get hung up on our mistakes. They are all to quick to point out where we went wrong instead of focusing on what we can learn from said mistake. life is full of
Believe in yourself 😇
Today’s Quote of the day will hopefully inspire you to really believe in yourself. [soc_social color=”#000″ align=”left” twitter=”https://twitter.co
Believe, achieve and succeed 💥
Today’s short but powerful 💥 quote of the day shows which elements are needed to act upon your dreams and then ultimately succeed. How to get Motivational Quotes i
Hardest climb
How to get Motivational Quotes in YOUR Inbox Every Day. 🌹