When all of this world entered into lockdown, it brought about the thinking, What could we do to bring a bit of inspiration to all of those heroic mums who were about to be tested to their limits. The prospect alone of having your kids off school for at least 6 months is enough to bring even the strongest of women to their knees! Waking up to the thought of a day full of housework and working from home and now homeschooling and babysitting is now a daily thing.
So what could we do to give you a little moment of daily motivation? Something for you to look forward to when you awake up instead of just dreading the day ahead. how could we put you in a positive mindset to tackle the dreaded inevitable? A daily word that could make you appreciate what you have rather than wishing your life away.

So we came up with https://dailyquotes4women.com/ A daily sequence of Quotes emailed right to your inbox. Wake each morning to one of our carefully handpicked Quotes spoken by successful and popular Women from around the world and throughout history.
Thanks for doing this, I will defo be subscribing when it’s all up and running.