Elizabeth Kenny: Quote of the day

Today’s Quote of the day is by someone most of us haven’t heard of.
Sister Elizabeth Kenny was an Australian bush nurse. Today’s inspirational quote for women author developed a new but controversial method for treating poliomyelitis victims. Rather then the traditional method of using plaster casts to treat patients, Kenny applied hot compression to affected areas of the patients body. This was followed by passive movements to the area which was designed to reduce spasm.
Ultimately Kennys method would become the foundation to modern day physiotherapy.
In 1946 Kenny’s pioneering methods would be widely recognized by the global population when her story was told in the film “sister Kenny“. The actress who played Kenny, Rosalind Russel, was nominated for an academy award for her role as best actress.
As far as inspiring quotes for women go, today’s quote could be seen as a cliche to many. How many times have you heard your mother say, “if you let them get to you then they have won” or “don’t get mad, get even” there are many variations, all of which mean a similar thing.
It is best to let it slip then spend time brewing over something someone said or did. If they knew how much time u had spent feeling outraged, they would definitely feel like they had won.
Be the one to let it go, and don’t spend another moment thinking about how they have annoyed you. Majority of the time, these people are only doing for a reaction.
Don’t give them the satisfaction.
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